Frequently Asked Questions
What is the application process for Kindergarten Lottery Programs?
Please read the information found on the How to Apply Online page.
When should I apply for the Kindergarten Lottery Programs?
After you have registered your child for your local catchment school.
How do I find out which catchment area I live in?
Please visit this page:
What documentation do I need when I register my child for my local catchment school?
PART ONE: Required documentation (does not have to be from British Columbia)
- Photo identification for the parent/guardian such as: Driver's License, Passport, Photo BC Services Card, BCID card;
- A declaration of citizenship status of the parent/guardian to be completed online in Vivos or in person. (e.g., Canadian Citizen, Permanent Resident, Refugee, Active Visas: Study, Clergy, Visitor/Tourist.);
- If the family indicates Visitor/Tourist on the declaration of citizenship, the school will contact the Welcome Centre for support.
- Evidence of legal guardianship (as shown on child's birth certificate, or other appropriate legal documentation, such as, landed immigrant document or guardianship order);
- Evidence of birth date for the student (e.g., birth certificate or passport).
PART TWO: Evidence of residence for the parent/guardian in British Columbia
- Valid government issued documentation showing the address of residence with the name of ordinarily resident parent/guardian (e.g., BC Driver's License, BC Services card, BCID or ICBC vehicle registration document, etc.).
What happens when I apply for my child to be in a Kindergarten Lottery Program school after the online application system closes?
Your child will be placed at the bottom of the waitlist for the Kindergarten Lottery Program school you want.
How do I apply for my twins or siblings of the same birth year?
There is an option on the online application form to add a second child to an application. The children are not guaranteed to both secure seats at the same Kindergarten Lottery Program school.
How does the lottery system work?
When the number of applicants exceeds the number of available seats, a randomizing algorithm runs and assigns either a seat or a waitlist number. The results of the lottery are sent by e-mail to all applicants.
- If a parent receives their first choice, the lottery does not consider their lower choice schools (as they have already received what they asked for).
- If a parent receives their second choice (but not their first choice), they remain on the waitlist for the first choice, and the lottery does not consider the third.
- If they receive their third choice (but not first or second), they remain on the waitlist for both the first and the second choices.
When will the results of the lottery be available?
Results should be e-mailed out to applicants by Spring Break.
How will a Kindergarten Lottery Program seat be formally accepted?
Families will have two days to electronically accept or reject an offered seat. After that time, unclaimed seats will be offered to waitlisted applicants.
Do I need a computer to apply?
Yes. If you do not have a computer at home, you can access a computer at any of the following places:
- Public Library
- A friend or family's house
- Use your mobile phone
Do I need an e-mail address to apply?
Yes. All correspondence, including the offering of seats and waitlist status, are sent to an applicant’s e-mail address. This is the same e-mail address used when registering for your local catchment school.
If my child is put on the waitlist for a school, when will we know if we might get in?
If a seat opens up and you are the highest on the waitlist, you will receive an e-mail with an option to accept or reject that seat. You will have two days to respond to an offer.
Where can I learn more about French Immersion and support for parents from outside organizations?
The Canadian Parents for French (CPF) provides information for parents on French programs in general. You can find them here:
- Surrey Chapter –
- Provincial Office for CPF for BC and Yukon Branch –