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After School Programs

*Please connect with your school administrative team about what programs are offered at your school.


This unique after school program focuses on leadership, team building, inclusivity, and community involvement. Al-Khayma is an Arabic word that is translated to “The Tent.” Geared towards individuals who are new to Canada, Al-Khayma helps students to learn important personal development skills while improving communication skills and engaging with the community. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to participate in Community Action Projects over the course of the program.


(Bring Learning to After School Time): BLAST is for grades 1 – 7 and is generally split into a Sr. group (grades 5 – 7) and a Jr. group (grades 1 – 4). BLAST offers students a safe and engaging environment to learn and develop new skills in various subjects, including physical literacy, healthy living and social and emotional skills through various positive interactions and activities. During the program, students will focus on creating positive peer relationships and building leadership skills, while engaging with their community, through daily and weekly activities, planned out-trips and visits from community leaders.

Book Buddies

Book Buddies supports children in grades 2-4 with reading and literacy development. Children practice and grow their reading skills with a trained SFU student tutor in a one-on-one setting, with the emphasis on making reading fun. The goal for this program is not only to support children to read at their grade?level, but even more importantly to foster a love for reading, and to encourage children to become lifelong readers. Activities will guide learners through reading exercises that focus on the following keys to reading success: Phonemic awareness, Phonics, Developing Vocabulary and Sight Word banks, Reading Comprehension, and Fluency. There will also be a component of the program that focuses on family literacy and empowering parents to support their child’s reading journey from home. CSP coordinates and leads Book Buddies with mentors from SFU.

Canada Scores

Canada Scores targets children in grades 4 - 5 to lead healthy, active lives. This program offers a safe environment and expands learning opportunities for your child to develop physical literacy, social and emotional skills through various positive interactions and activities. Canada Scores provides a high quality, team-based afterschool program that integrates soccer, poetry, and community service learning.


(Character, Awareness, Strength, Tenacity, Leadership, Empowerment): CASTLE is an after school mentorship program geared toward male identifying students in grades 8 - 9 that runs weekly. Participants will work with a mentor throughout the program. CASTLE will also utilize motivational guest speakers, events and create unique opportunities and projects for participants to give back to their school in meaningful ways.

Clubhouse 36

An after-school program that offers a safe environment and extended learning opportunities for children ages 6 to 12 to develop recreational, physical literacy, and social and emotional skills through various positive interactions and activities. They focus on creating positive peer relationships and building leadership skills, while engaging with their community through daily and weekly activities, planned out-trips and visits from community leaders.

Creative U

An adapted after school time program focusing on physical literacy and expressive arts for children with physical disabilities and cognitive disabilities ranging from grades 1 to 7. Imagination, creative play, and experimentation are encouraged. Activities are ‘process- oriented’ rather than ‘product-oriented.’ This means that students are invited to explore their creative ideas, without worrying about what the final product will look like. We approach their creations with curiosity rather than critique. For example, instead of saying a piece is ‘good’ or praising a student’s skill, we might invite them to share the story of the image, if they choose. This non-judgmental atmosphere supports self-esteem and confidence. The program also looks to build connection to community-based resources and opportunities focus physical activity and opportunities for students and their family/friends to learn adaptations to activities.

Empower Media

This program is for students in grades 6 –7. It focusses on digital literacy and empowering students with knowledge, education, literacy skills, and helping to keep them engaged and responsible digital citizens. Empower Media is a program that CSP runs in collaboration with SFU. 

G.I.A. (Gxrls In Action)

(Gxrls In Action): An after-School community action program for female identified students in grade 5 – 9. The G.I.A. Program is a unique opportunity for these students to participate in safe, educational, and fun activities instructed by highly qualified instructors who are experts in their field. Participants will be able to enjoy a variety of quality learning opportunities that will be focused on science, leadership, athletics, and environmental stewardship. We aim to develop students’ passions and strengths to become positive role models in their community.


(Hockey Education Reaching Out Society): HEROS is a program that uses the game of hockey to teach life-skills and empower youth. This is a unique opportunity for 30 to 35 students in grades 4 to 12 (from multiple schools) to participate in a fun and structured Hockey program, free of charge. Students will be outfitted with all of the equipment necessary. HEROS staff will teach new skills, while providing mentorship in a safe and structured after school learning environment. They focus on encouraging students to be physically literate, strong leaders in their community, and socially responsible members of society.


Jumpstart Academy (JSA) is an after school physical literacy program designed to create opportunities for children and youth (grades 1 – 7 broken into groups based on age) to participate in recreation and community sport. Jumpstart is designed to develop Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS), equipping participants with the motivation, confidence, and physical competence to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities. Jumpstart Academy teaches FMS using Host Partners (which may include Game Ready Fitness or Sportball) as well as partnering with community sport and recreation partners.

Next Up

Next-UP is an engaging leadership & mentorship program through the game of basketball Next-UP is a weekly afterschool program specifically designed for boys and girls in grade 8-10. Participants will work with a mentor or basketball coach throughout the program working on communication skills, leadership, work ethic and their basketball skills. Next-UP will also utilize motivational guest speakers, events and create a safe area for your child to participate in a program they enjoy.


(Promoting Life Skills in Aboriginal Youth): PLAY is for students in grades 1 to 7 (split into either a Sr. Or Jr. group). The program uses play to build essential life skills and promote health and well-being among Indigenous children and youth. The Community Mentor is an employee of the delivering partner community (Band, urban org, or other entity) and has chosen to deliver the PLAY program with the support of Right To Play.

Science Alive

Science Alive is an after-school program for children grades 5-7 to participate in safe, education and engaging activities. Participants will enjoy a variety of quality learning opportunities that will focus on STEM learning. This camp will be coordinated by CSP staff, in partnership with the SFU Faculty of Applied Sciences. 

Racing Readers

Racing Readers is an after-school program created in partnership with the Surrey School District and SFU Surrey designed to fill the need for an increased level of physical activity, literacy, and numeracy skills among children in grades 2-5. Students will be led through the program by high school and university volunteers who will foster companionship, support, encouragement, and learning. Throughout the program, children will participate in physical activities, reading, writing and numeracy exercises.


(Recreation, Employment readiness, After-school, Community, Health) : After school recreation career preparation program for high school students in grade10, 11, and 12. The program will prepare and guide students to immediate jobs in recreation and youth/youth programs as well as hospitality. Sessions include lessons and activities around themes of leadership, community, recreation, and health. Students will also gain work experience in after-school and spring break programs and receive important certifications including: First Aid, SuperHost, High 5, and Food Safe. 

Scores in Action

Scores In Action targets children in grades 6 - 7 to lead healthy, active lives. This program offers a safe environment for your child to foster recreational learning, physical literacy and social and emotional development through positive interactions and activities. Scores In Action will help mentor Canada Scores’ participants and become community leaders by creating a project to impact their community.  

Start2Finish Reading & Running Club

As one of Canada's only available, evidence-based programs that focuses on the "whole child," it offers a unique, life-changing experience producing outcomes in 4 areas of well-being: Physical, Mental, Social-Emotional, and School/Academic. The R&R Club uses physical activity to empower children to build a lasting cycle of health and success. The program is based on research that shows exercise positively impacts children's cognitive and social skills and reduces the "stressors" they face. The program is rooted in Positive Education principles to improve executive functioning skills (focus, working memory, self-control, etc.) and social-emotional agencies (resilience, motivation, mindfulness, positivity, relationship management, self-regulation, belonging, etc.), empowering them to be successful in school and life.

Sticks & Stars

This program is for students in grades 4 - 6 to learn new hockey, leadership, healthy habits, and science skills. This program is a unique opportunity for students to participate in safe, educational, and fun activities led by highly qualified instructors who are experts in their field. Participants will be able to enjoy a variety of quality learning opportunities that will be focused on science, leadership, and hockey skill development. Students will also have the opportunity to attend scheduled Spring Break field trips that will integrate their learnings in S.T.E.M. and hockey.


(Togetherness, Empowerment, Action, Mentorship): After school mentorship program for female identified students grades 8 – 9 who will engage in leadership and mentorship activities with their peers and communities. This program is a speaking rights and community action program where students can expect to explore their strengths and passions while investigating issues within their community. Participants will engage in discussion topics, such as, social responsibility, social justice, adversity, diversity, and self-awareness. The students’ work will culminate in a project designed by the team that will positively impact their school community.

Tomorrow’s Voices

Tomorrow’s Voices is a barrier-free, audition free non-profit choir for children who love to sing for the sheer joy of it. It is designed for children ages 8-18 to provide for them the opportunity to expand their musical knowledge, sing their hearts out and perform on stage. This gives children the chance to not only embrace music and the arts, but to also learn respect, compassion, teamwork, and responsibility while building lasting relationships. All choirs are led by professional, engaging, and fun music directors.

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