1. | PURPOSE1.1. | The Surrey Board of Education establishes internal committees and ad hoc committees to assist the Board with its governance functions. | 1.2. | The Board believes representation on external committees can enhance trustee’s knowledge and facilitate relationships within the community. The presence of a trustee(s) on external committees may be requested, expected or otherwise considered to be in the best interests of the Board of Education. |
2. | BOARD STANDING COMMITTEES2.1. | Board standing committees are extensions of the governance work of the Board of Education.a) | Meetings will be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order. | b) | Only trustees may vote. | c) | The dates, times and places of the committee meetings shall be established at each standing committee’s first regular meeting following the Board Chairperson’s annual appointment of trustee committee members. | d) | The superintendent of schools or the secretary-treasurer or their respective designates shall keep the chairperson of the committee informed of matters within their jurisdiction. | e) | The secretary-treasurer is responsible for the preparation of the agenda package and recording and retaining minutes of committee deliberations. |
| 2.2. | Finance Committee The Finance Committee is a standing committee of the Board of Education and is a committee of the whole, with the executive committee and fiscal management services staff in attendance. The committee chairperson is appointed annually by the Board Chairperson.
| 2.3. | Audit Committee The Audit Committee is a standing committee of the Board of Education and generally reports to the Board through the Finance Committee. The committee chairperson and trustee representatives on the committee shall be appointed annually by the Board Chairperson. The Audit Committee is comprised of three trustees, one of whom is the Finance Committee chairperson and one external community member who is independent from the district and experienced in auditing, accounting, financial management or other relevant business experience. This person serves as a non-voting, advisory member of the committee. The committee is supported by executive committee and other resource personnel.a) | The purpose of the Audit Committee is to assist the Board of Education in fulfilling its governance responsibilities in the areas of:- Financial reporting.
- Internal and external audit functions.
- The system of internal control.
- Risk assessment and mitigation strategies.
- Compliance matters.
| b) | The Audit Committee shall have jurisdiction to consider and make recommendations to the Finance Committee and the Board of Education on matters within its terms of reference. | c) | The Audit Committee will meet a minimum of three times per year. |
| 2.4. | Policy Committee The Policy Committee is a standing committee of the Board of Education. The committee chairperson and trustee representatives on the committee shall be appointed annually by the Board Chairperson. The Policy Committee is comprised of three trustees, one of whom will be appointed committee chairperson. The committee is supported by the executive committee and other resource personnel.a) | The Policy Committee shall have jurisdiction to consider and make recommendations to the Board on policy matters assigned to it or on other matters within its terms of reference. | b) | The Policy Committee will:- Consider questions of overall school district policy.
- Establish an annual work plan of policies to be revised.
- Ensure existing school district policies are updated in accordance with the provisions of the School Act and other provincial legislation.
- May, upon review, strike subgroups to provide expert guidance or input on changes to district policy.
- Make recommendations to the Board on policies following changes in current practice, enactment of new legislation or introduction of new regulations.
- Consider such other matters as may be referred by the Board and make recommendations thereon as required.
3. | DISTRICT COMMITTEES3.1. | Trustee representatives on district committees shall be appointed annually by the Board Chairperson. | 3.2. | District committee membership and frequency of meetings will vary based on the needs of the particular committee. | 3.3. | Meetings are scheduled through the staff contact person assigned to the committee. | 3.4. | The committee will appoint a recorder who shall keep minutes of the committee’s deliberations and compose any correspondence as directed by the committee. | 3.5. | The committee will report to the Board on its activities and outcomes (recommendations, etc.) through its chairperson. | 3.6. | Unless appointed by name to the committee by Board resolution, and given the right to vote, staff and others will act as resource persons. | 3.7. | The committee will function in a formal manner under Robert’s Rules of Order – permitting the kind of free flowing discussion anticipated by Robert for committee work. | 3.8. | Outcomes from committees will always be in the form of recommendations to the Board. | 3.9. | All trustees will vote as they see fit when recommendations are dealt with by the Board. | 3.10. | Decisions of the committee must always be made within the authority given (specific) or delegated (general) by the Board. If no prior authority is given, all actions require prior Board approval. |
4. | TRUSTEE REPRESENTATION ON EXTERNAL COMMITTEES4.1. | The presence of a trustee(s) on committees external to the district, may be requested, expected or otherwise considered to be in the best interests of the Board of Education. | 4.2. | In some cases, trustees will not be responsible for attending meetings on a regular basis, but may be contacted by the association when their assistance is required. | 4.3. | Trustees appointed to other non-board committees and non-school district committees/bodies may or may not participate as voting members depending upon the nature and purpose of their involvement. Their more common role may be as resource or liaison person. Regardless of the nature of trustees’ participation, trustees do not have the authority to act on behalf of, or commit the Board. | 4.4. | Highlights of trustee activities as district representatives will be reported through the Board Report at the Regular Board meeting as per Procedure 2400.1 School Board Meetings. |
5. | AD-HOC COMMITTEES5.1. | Committees in this category do not have a regular meeting schedule. If and when an ad-hoc committee is struck, the Board Chairperson will appoint trustee(s) representatives. |
6. | APPOINTING TRUSTEES TO COMMITTEES6.1. | The Board Chairperson will appoint trustees to committees or bodies as soon as possible following the inaugural meeting of the Board and advise the Board of such appointments. Appointments will be reviewed annually, or earlier if needed, by the Board Chairperson with advice to the Board. |
7. | REFERENCES AND RELATED DOCUMENTS7.1. | School Act | 7.2. | Procedure 2400.1 School Board Meetings |