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Procedure 2915.1 - Trustee Elections - Chairperson & Vice-Chairperson


1. The chairperson will call for a motion: 

THAT the board proceed to elect a new chairperson and vice-chairperson following the attached nomination and election procedure. 

2. The chairperson passes the gavel to the secretary-treasurer who will chair the meeting during the election process. 

The chair will call a first time for nominations, for chairperson for a one year term. A seconder will not be required for nominations. 

If after three calls, there is only one nominee for the office, and that nominee accepts, the chair declares that person the duly elected chairperson of  the Board of Education of School District No. 36 (Surrey) for a one year period ended the following November. 

If more than one person is nominated, the chair will call on scrutineers to distribute, collect and count the ballots. 

The chair will call for a motion to appoint scrutineers. The motion will read as follows: 

THAT ___________ and __________ be appointed scrutineers for the election of board chairperson and vice- chairperson.

Trustees will vote by secret ballot. 

Scrutineers will report the results of each ballot to the chair of the meeting, who shall announce the trustee who has received a clear majority of the votes cast. 

The trustee receiving a clear majority of votes cast shall be declared elected. In accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, if on the first or subsequent ballots a nominee does not receive a majority, voting for the office with all nominees remaining on the ballots shall continue until a majority vote is obtained for a single candidate. 

The chair will then call for nominations for vice-chairperson of the board for a one year term and repeat the above process, beginning at item 3. 

If ballots were required, the chair will call for the following motion: 

THAT the scrutineers destroy the ballots for the election of either chairperson or vice-chairperson, and that the scrutineers be discharged with gratitude.

The chair will then return the gavel to the newly elected chairperson who will conduct the balance of the meeting.


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