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Policy 5780 - Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Access and Use



Technology has been defined as any device or service designed or used to assist in extending human potential. For the purposes of this policy, technology is limited to electronic devices and information services. Examples include, but are not limited to, computers, printers, servers, peripherals, networks and software, including access to Internet resources.
The Surrey Board of Education believes that the access and use of information and communication technology (ICT) is an integral component of current learning and working environments. Within available resources, the board encourages and supports the provision and use of ICT for students and staff.
Staff, students, and parents/guardians and educational partners using ICT resources are expected to do so in a responsible, ethical manner conducive with the school district’s mission.
Educational Benefits
The board believes that student learning will be augmented and enhanced through the use of information and communication technology. The ability for students, parents/guardians, staff and the larger community to access information and knowledge, to communicate with each other and to learn with each other is enhanced and extended through opportunities provided by ICT.
Goals for the use of ICT and online learning environments include enriching, enhancing, and facilitating:
Communication for the purpose of improving student learning.
a)The construction and exchange of knowledge and representation.
b)Flexibility and equity for diverse learners.
c)The ongoing development of common standards for student learning.
d)Opportunities for human and social development.
Guiding Principles
a)Effective online learning environments are dynamic learning environments characterized by the incorporation of best instructional practice through the integration of information and communications technology tools into all aspects of student and professional learning.
b)Effective online learning communities are characterized by openness, including anywhere access, transparency, ethical use and personal accountability.
c)Effective online learning and working communities are characterized by usability, functionality, reliability, efficiency, and security.



Responsibilities of the District
a)The district will endeavor to provide equitable and timely access and support for technology resources in schools and district offices.
b)The district will create and support a reliable, safe and secure online learning environment for students and staff.
c)The district will provide leadership in instructional strategies and structures to model best practices in the educational and ethical use of technology ICT by students and staff.
d)The district will provide leadership in identifying and encouraging appropriate hardware and software standards, and technical support.
Responsibilities of Schools/Sites
a)The principal or site manager will coordinate and supervise the educational programs involving ICT in the school community.
b)The principal and staff will ensure adequate parental information and understanding is communicated regarding the educational uses of ICT by students, staff and parents/guardians as appropriate.
c)The principal and staff will supervise, through an approved process, the ethical use of ICT by students. Student discipline for inappropriate use of ICT and online learning environments within the school community will be determined in accordance with Policy #9410 - Safe & Caring Schools and Policy #8801 - Copyright Law Compliance.
d)Appropriate use of ICT and online learning environments by staff will be supervised within the parameters of Policy #7200 – Employment Conditions (General), Policy #7212 – Employee Conduct and Policy #7213 – Conflict of Interest (Employees).
Responsibilities of Parents/Guardians
Parents/Guardians, with the guidance of the school, are important partners in ensuring the safe and ethical use of ICT and in monitoring and supervising its use by their children.
Responsibilities of Students
Employees, having received instruction and guidance in ethical use of technology, will conduct themselves online with the same level of safe and ethical behaviour as in all contexts of the school district community. Specifically, staff instructing or working with students must maintain the highest level of ethical conduct.
Responsibilities of All School District Employees
Employees, having received instruction and guidance in ethical use of technology, will conduct themselves online with the same level of safe and ethical behavior as in all contexts of the school district community. Specifically, staff instructing or working with students must maintain the highest level of ethical conduct.



The school district, within affordable and available parameters, endeavors to provide tools, resources and support for such educational tools as:

School websites.
Student websites and digital repositories.
Online publishing of student work.
Communications between home and school.



The school district, within affordable and available parameters, endeavors to provide resources and support for administrative tools to enhance efficiency, communications, and collaboration between employees and among any other individuals/organizations doing business with the school district.

Policy #7200
Policy #7212
Policy #7213
Policy #8801
Policy #9410

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