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Policy 8801 - Copyright Law Compliance

The Surrey Board of Education believes in the legal rights, through copyright laws, of the author to the ownership of their intellectual property and this can include works in the form of print, non-print or any form of media, including the documents and information available on the Internet.
The board recognizes that there may be legitimate circumstances under which educational institutions or individual schools may enter into agreements to provide for legal copying for educational purposes. Where copyright is not covered by a recognized legal or educational exception, school district employees must obtain written permission from the copyright holder.
The board believes that all works produced by employees in fulfilling their role and responsibilities during the course of their employment are considered to be the intellectual property of the school district unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing prior to the creation of the material.
The board recognizes and respects intellectual property rights and is committed to fulfilling its ethical and legal obligations with respect to the use of copyright protected works used in the school district.
The board directs administration to establish practices and programs designed to support copyright compliance and ensure communication is maintained within the school district and with its employees.


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