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Policy 10800 - Education Business Community Partnerships



The Surrey Board of Education believes there is a role for corporate or community partnerships within the domain of educational and administrative programs of the school district. Any corporate and community participation must complement the goals and objectives of the board in delivering quality, relevant education to students.
The board believes any corporate or community involvement must meet an identified educational purpose, and generate a financial and/or educational benefit to the school district.



The board will support corporate or community partnerships that promote its goals, objectives, and adhere to its policies and regulations. There shall be no negative effect on the authority or jurisdiction of the board.
The board supports corporate or community partnerships and will recognize the contribution of all partners through public awareness.
The board agrees that approved corporate or community partners may be the exclusive providers of goods and/or services to a school or the school district, as defined in an agreement, signed by the chairperson and secretary-treasurer.
The board agrees that approved corporate or community partners may have exclusive marketing rights to promote their involvement with the board’s facilities or activities as defined in an agreement signed by the chairperson and secretary-treasurer.



The board directs the superintendent and secretary-treasurer to examine all reasonable opportunities, initiated by schools or district offices, to form partnerships that may be of educational and/or financial benefit to the school district. All sensitive proposals as defined by regulation shall be submitted to the board for approval. (This does not include job plan or work experience arrangements between the board and the community.)
All other proposals will be acted upon by the secretary-treasurer or designate through processes outlined in regulation. The distribution of funds for all proposals will be handled in accordance with Regulation #10800.1 – Education Business Community Partnerships, section 6.



Partnerships may take either of the following forms:
a)"Sponsorship” defined as support offered by a community group or business to a school or school district in consideration for public recognition and/or preferential treatment by the school or school district.
b)"Agreements” which may be:
i.For goods and services at a preferential rate or at no cost to the school district in exchange for access to a school or the school district for referrals, advertising or sales.
ii.For shared resources and expertise at no direct (monetary) cost to either partner.



All corporate and community partnerships will be for a specified period of time and must be approved by the secretary-treasurer, assistant secretary- treasurer or by the board in the case of sensitive proposals as defined in regulation.
Opportunities must be offered equitably to as many potential partners as possible, of any particular type of goods and services.
The board will monitor the impact on operations of any corporate or community partnerships.
The board will consider only those corporate or community partnerships that enhance, either directly or through the generation of revenue, the board’s educational and extracurricular programs and services.
All corporate gifts or donations to the school district or schools must be received according to the board’s policies on Conflict of Interest (Policy #2902 & Policy #7213), Purchasing Goods & Services (Policy #4600), Charitable Donations (Policy #4430) and Equipment Donations (Policy #5305).
All corporate or community partnerships must be conducted with the highest ethical standards and respectful of community standards. No corporate or community partnership will be considered where the business of the corporation is substantially derived from the sale of alcohol, tobacco products or material inappropriate for children.
All materials to be distributed to students, staff and parents must be pre- approved. Any reference to or use of the board’s name, logo, slogan, mission statement or reputation must be maintained at the highest of ethical and community standards.
Any use of corporate or community signage on school district property or any form of advertising must be pre-approved. No employee will be required to wear clothing with corporate or community logos or advertising.
All corporate and community partnerships must observe and comply with environmental regulations relating to their form of business.
Any announcements and press releases must be jointly administered by the board and the partners without commercialization.
All sponsored products, materials, and services must meet specifications and standards used by the school district in the purchase of similar goods and services.
All corporate or community partnership agreements must contain terms for evaluation of the educational and financial benefits to the school district.

Revised: 2015-06-05
XRef:Policy    #2902
Policy    #4430
Policy    #4600
Policy    #5305
Policy    #7213

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