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The Mathematics Department works towards and is passionate about developing numerate members of society. Numeracy is not about solving complex mathematical equations; it is being confident enough to use basic math skills in everyday life and applying it to make important decisions.Math%20Quote.png

The department runs several Mathematics Contests that run year long. Contest Dates can be found here . See Mr. Vanstone in room 202 to sign up.

The Mathematics Challengers Club is for grades 8, 9 and 10! Competition in February. Open to students who enjoy solving math problems! Day for club TBD

Dept Head
Rm 110
Dept Head
Rm 202
MathRm 112
ZhangCherylzhang_x2@surreyschools.caAP StatsRm 109
KozakNatashakozak_n@surreyschools.caMathRm 212
MathRm 114

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