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After School Programs

Our Clubs are designed to enhance the lives of your children through creative and interactive programming that allows individuality and continued growth and development.

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CASTLE (Character, Awareness, Strength, Tenacity, Leadership, Empowerment): 
CASTLE is an after-school mentorship program geared toward male identifying students in 
 grades 8 - 10 that runs weekly. Participants will work with a mentor throughout the program. 
 CASTLE will also utilize motivational guest speakers, events and create unique opportunities
 and projects for participants to give back to their school in meaningful ways. 
Time: Mondays 3:00-4:00 / Location: Room 118
Contact: Mr. Bryan Abas / Email:

Reach is an employment readiness program for Grade 10/11/12 students. This program will be delivered through weekly 1.5 hour sessions facilitated by Community Schools Partnership staff and partner groups. REACH will prepare and guide students to immediate jobs in recreation and youth/youth programs as well as hospitality.  Sessions include lessons and activities around themes of leadership, community, recreation, and health.  Students will also gain work experience in after-school and spring break programs and receive important certifications including: First Aid, Customer Service, Principles of Healthy Childhood Development and Food Safe.  For more information click here REACH (
Time:  Tuesdays & Thursday’s 3:00-4:30 / Certification days 3:00-6:30
 Location:  Library
Note: There are a few spots left open for this program.

Contact: Mr. Bryan Abas / Email:

YoBro / YoGirl

YBYG A mixed-martial arts program that gives students the tools to achieve their full potential and work with positive role models, while avoiding negative behaviors. We cultivate resiliency in at-risk youth and empower them with tools to avoid the perils of drugs, gangs, crime and violence. Early identification of risk factors and outreach to those most vulnerable has been proven to be an effective crime prevention technique. The Yo-Bro / Yo-Girl focuses on prevention of gang involvement, violence and substance use among boys and girls in Elementary and Secondary schools. An after-school mixed martial arts program used to engage the most at-risk youth. For more information click here: 
Time: Afterschool Fridays 3-5pm  
Location: Princess Margaret Secondary / Gym and Theatre Room
 Contact: Yobro / YoGirl Staff

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