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Princess Margaret Counsellors

Each student is assigned to a counsellor based on the student’s last name:


Ms. Michelle Johnson - Last name A & all student in the BASES program

Mr. Damian Dym- Last names B-G

Mr. Dale Alparaque- Last names H-O

Mr. Ethan Wong- Last names P-Z

Ms. Maggie Lee- Gr. 12 Advisor (Career & Post-Secondary Advising) 


What to see a counsellor for: 

  • Personal counselling - a confidential discussion about personal issues that are of concern to you.
  • Academic counselling - discussion about academic concerns, course selection, graduation planning, post-secondary, and vocational planning.

How to connect with a counsellor:

  1. Drop into the Counselling Centre before school, at lunch, or after school if you have a quick question
  2. Message your counsellor via the ‘Chat’ feature on Microsoft TEAMs
  3. Make an appointment in person, on TEAMs or on the phone by clicking on links below:
    1. Ms. Michelle Johnson -
    2. Mr. Damian Dym-
    3. Mr. Dale Alparaque-
    4. Mr. Ethan Wong-  


Last NameFirst NameEmail AddressJob TitleSection
JohnsonMichellejohnson_mu@surreyschools.caCounsellorA and BASES
Damiandym_d@surreyschools.caCounsellorB - G 
AlparaqueDalealparaque_d@surreyschools.caCounsellorH - O
WongEthanwong_ethan@surreyschools.caCounsellorP - Z
LeeMaggielee_maggie@surreyschools.caGrade 12 AdvisorPost-secondary Education


  • Kids Help Phone - 1-800-668-6868
    Anonymous and confidential 24/7 phone and web counselling for ages 20 and under.
    Go to:

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